Vision & Mission


To strive to become a prominent academic institution of higher education recognized for its quality research and commitment for offering students affordable education, comprehensive knowledge and skills base, value education, empathetic and socially responsible attitude and lifelong learning temperament so that they can become compassionate and proactive individuals with fullest potential.


  • To be a student centric institute inculcating inquisitive, innovative and lifelong learning attitude.
  • To create a democratic academic atmosphere.
  • To offer courses for enhancing professionalism, humanism and social sensibility through quality education.
  • To inculcate values of discipline, hard-work, team-spirit and scientific temper aiming to create a responsible citizen.
  • To endeavor to broaden the intellectual and creative faculty of the young and energetic minds.
  • To provide life skills for a successful professional and social life.
  • To provide equal opportunities to every section of society.